
About Me

About Brittany

Hi, I’m Brittany!

I’m a caffeine addicted, fitness loving mom of two, just doing what I love by helping others to find balance while creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle! Between being a mom to a toddler and a new baby, and lazy bulldog, a wife to my pretty incredible husband, and poorly attempting to have a Pinterest quality house…I’m also following my passion of helping people through their fitness journey. I have always been an athlete. Growing up, I played multiple competitive sports and never had to worry about my weight or body image. In college, I decided I was burnt out on sports, and put a lot of focus into trying to find a career path.

This search for the “perfect” career and lack of taking care of myself physically left me uncomfortable in my own skin, unhealthy and full of anxiety. I struggled for years trying to find a balance but also wanted to feel confident in myself again. I trained in the gym for hours and did lots of cardio while also attempting and failing at extreme diets. I tried weight loss pills, meal replacement shakes, magic belly wraps, and of course the poop tea. Guess what, none of it worked, and probably only made me feel worse…shocking I know. It wasn’t until I started working with a coach, focusing on whole foods to fuel my body, understanding body mechanics and workouts programed specifically for my goals that I started seeing results and finding balance in life.

Fast forward a few or more years, lots of gym sessions, macro counting, trials, failures, a home gym, two kids, and here we are! I am now doing what I love, building relationships and helping people find their way through their fitness journey. I am so grateful for the opportunity to help guide and teach people that they can have balance in their life while still working to meet their fitness goals. My clients overall health and happiness are always my top priority. I understand that everyone is different and have different lifestyles, which is why each client will have an individualized plan to fit their personal needs. I teach my clients how to create a healthy foundation by building a balanced and sustainable lifestyle while also reaching their goals.

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Brandi K.

“I have personally known Brittany since high school. I have seen her in many stages of life mentally and physically. This girl has turned into such an amazing woman and mama- not to mention with a body to kill for. She has always been an inspiration.

Katrina W.

Brittany is so motivating through the whole coaching process, catering to individual needs and treating each client as she would a friend. 

Stacey M.

I just wanted to thank you for this challenge. It’s really helped me grow and become a better version of myself. For me, this is a life changer. I am going to continue to work hard and stay accountable for the foods that I fuel my body. 

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